This will probably be a series of posts, since it will be an ongoing project.
So lets start with the history:
This time I want to make a more informed decision. So I decided to start by looking at what it is I really want.
I have data of several types:
Documents - those I want backed up for every save, with the ability to revert to any of them. This is something I already have today using SparkleShare with as the backend. This works great except for large files.
User files - basically this is all the other files in the user space. I want them backup on a regular fassion, but so far I have only had that on the same machine using ZFS snapshots. This is not a good solution, and I want a better solution. SparkleShare was not an option since it contained too much large files (Downloads for example) that I want to be able to remove from the history easily. And will clutter the history of my documents.
Photos - All the photos we take, using our camera & phones. Up until now I backup up my photos to the network drive, and to a cloud service, glad that i did since that network drive is now dead. But i don’t trust the cloud service to be the only backup either. Also both options where not easy enough for cataloging and organizing unless i sync a local folder with them, something that is simply not possible due to size of the collection.
Downloads - All apps, drivers, media files, documents, etc. that we download from the world. Those all have limited lifespan, each being downloaded, used for a while and then discarded. They do not need versioning or snapshots, instead they need an origin documentation, easy large storage.
Basically I manage today 3 home networks: at my home, my mother and my grandmother. And I also use and sometimes interfere with the networks at my sister and my father-in-law’s.
Up until now my storage solution was limited just to my home network, but i have been thinking for a while on replicating it across those different locations so that i will have access to my files in all those locations, as well as backup.
So whatever solution I will choose eventually, i will want it to be open for replication (probably using torrent sync of incremental snapshots)
So lets review the features required by me for my data and netwrok.
Capacity: at least 4TB or real storage but I will want to grow it over time. With the overhead for HD redundancy and file overhead - will probably be around 6TB.
Swap drived: I’ll need the ability to swap drives and continue. Not necesarily a hot swap, I don’t mind shutting down to do it.
Network connectivity: It will have to be able to connect to my wired ethernet