Why blog?

Writing was alway easier for me than talking, at least on some topics. I remember a friend that saw I was not able to talk, who took me to a keyboard and we chatted over a text document about my pain at the time.

Passing thoughts was originally born on my STCO & chronx.com time, and was hosted at zipnav.free.fr (long time dead) and served me as a communication platform with the world. It lasted until life became too busy for me to handle it, and died of neglect.

That period was the most fruit-full in my life in terms of writing. Some of that work also got to new stage and one event got published in a book.

I plan to bring back most of the public content from back then into this blog as well, will take a while.

Over those years I have managed to accumulate: life, family (wife, 3 kids and a dog) and pass between 4 different jobs.

The urge to write never really left me, and i wrote to the drawer here and there. I watched my grandmother bring to life 2 books (3rd on the way) was happy for her, but felt i am missing out.

So I am bringing it back online as a static blog, with the intention of filling it back with content over time.

Categories: blog