Yesterday we took the slow weekend to start playing D&D as a family.

The idea was that this is something we could all do together. Each working in his own style, and enjoy.

I haven’t played for a while, and it showed.

I decided to go by the book this time, to get it organized and to be able to maintain continuity.

So i made sure we had a rule book in Hebrew at hand (I want the kids to be able to read it on their own). And decided on a ready made adventure to kick us off with.

We prepared the characters (Always a long and painful process.) We got a nice combination. And as soon as the characters were in a good enough shape - it was time to start playing.

And here i made the fatal mistake. I strictly by the rules, instead of bending them to suit the people and the situation (as a good GM would do.)

The result was a large blow up from the kids that their patience was over extended. And the fun dissipated from the air very fast.

I plan to try again, and continue it. I just plan to remember to be more attentive to my audience this time around.

Categories: blog