proper procedure

There is a certain order things have to be done.

Not due to real constraints, but due to legal thinking.

You have an agreement. Agreement naturally means both sides have to do something for the other side.

And when the other side does not uphold his end of the bargain you basically have several options:

  • Blow the whole agreement
  • Ignore it and stay quiet
  • Do it yourself and demand compensation

The last option is the trickiest one, it is based on three steps.

  • The first step, do it yourself, is easy, just do it.
  • The second step, getting the compensation is usually easy as well, you can always do less from your side of the agreement.
  • The last part is the hard part, making the other side to accept the compensation.

If the other side does not accept the compensation it can lead to him starting the cycle again, but from the other side, leading to a blow up. It can lead to legal arguments.

On some occasions the other side sees your argument, but on others - you have to make him see it.

The first crucial step is to make the issue visible.

Communicate what the other sided should do and didn’t do. Set time-frame for fixing it, and notify that you will do it, and what the compensation will be if you do beforehand.

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